Sustainable Stormwater Solutions

October 17, 2024

Municipalities are seeking cost-effective and innovative strategies for stormwater management infrastructure investments. In many cases, retaining water on-site through green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) proves to be more cost-effective than traditional gray infrastructure. McFadden Engineering provides environmental engineering services to aid in the creation of GSI to ultimately reduce flood risks.

Examples of GSI include underground storage, infiltration systems and underground infiltration trenches. Hydraulic modeling can also be used to simulate and prepare for worst case scenarios so that designs can be implemented to mitigate flood risks. Municipalities using green stormwater infrastructure can save hundreds of millions of dollars in flood losses from applying GSI practices as well as other good engineering designs to new developments and redevelopment projects.

A climate study conducted in 2020 found that 5.9 million U.S. properties likely faced significant flood risks, despite being outside FEMA-recognized floodplains. This study compared flood-risk models with the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps. In response, FEMA implemented the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) policy on September 9, 2024, to better align federal floodplain designations with current climate science.

The FFRMS policy applies to all FEMA-funded projects. The new rule expands regulatory floodplain coverage and imposes stricter resilience standards for federally funded projects within these floodplains, applying to new constructions, significant improvements, climate adaptation projects and major repairs to damaged structures.

To maintain compliance with FEMA’s FFRMS policy for all FEMA-funded projects, municipalities can build stormwater infrastructure, including GSI, on public lands as needed. GSI enables municipalities to analyze future precipitation rates and evaluate costs, reductions in runoff and co-benefits of various stormwater management scenarios.

GSI can treat urban runoff pollution, replenish groundwater and reduce erosion in headwater streams. Ultimately, GSI provides sustainable solutions with improved air quality, enhanced property values and better social well-being.

McFadden Engineering’s team of water and wastewater experts specializes in providing environmentally sound solutions to solve unique civil and environmental engineering needs. Based in Mobile, Ala. for more than 30 years, McFadden Engineering has worked on projects including municipal, commercial and industrial dischargers. McFadden has a wealth of experience in stormwater management and flood plain modeling to assist clients with stormwater projects. Visit for more information.

Celebrating World Rivers Day

September 27, 2024

On the fourth Sunday of every September, World Rivers Day celebrates the world’s waterways. This day honors the multitude of positive contributions of rivers. World Rivers Day was first celebrated in 2005 and is now celebrated by millions of people in more than 100 countries. This day emphasizes river conservation and sustainable management.

There are many services that McFadden Engineering offers that directly impact rivers as the water treated by these services is often directly discharged into rivers. McFadden Engineering designs its services to meet regulatory compliance. Particularly, when an  NPDES permit must be considered as part of  the system design .

Under the NPDES program, industrial facilities are permitted to discharge stormwater and/or wastewater into surface waters including rivers. McFadden Engineering specializes in evaluating treatment processes across various industries and offering solutions that ensure regulatory compliance while promoting environmental sustainability. Our engineers consult with industries such as food and beverage, pulp and paper, wastewater treatment, oil and gas/drilling and more. Each of these sectors plays a role in affecting the availability of clean water.

McFadden Engineering offers comprehensive environmental engineering services designed to safeguard rivers from the effects of both natural and human activities. Our extensive expertise includes developing best management practices for facility compliance, creating spill response plans for industrial clients and identifying treatment alternatives to meet permitted discharge limits.

Our team values responsibility and commitment to the environment. Every project that McFadden Engineering undertakes is designed to remove contaminants that might be released back into the water cycle from wastewater discharges. McFadden works with customers to obtain permits and to develop treatment processes that safely discharge water to waterways including rivers as a part of our commitment to sustainable engineering solutions.

Celebrating National Water Quality Month

August 22, 2024

In celebration of National Water Quality Month, McFadden Engineering spotlights the work our team does to reduce pollution from industrial wastewater. Industrial wastewater is usually very strong and complex in nature and can contain visible pollutants or dissolved chemicals. Before wastewater re-enters the natural water cycle, treatment is required before discharge. Our engineers assist clients in developing treatment processed to reduce contaminants in wastewater. In addition, McFadden Engineering is experienced in helping clients navigate the environmental regulatory permitting process including direct discharge through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), reuse permits for sustainable projects, as well as other permit alternatives.

There are various ways to treat industrial wastewater as its properties are dependent on the industry source. Through the NPDES program, industrial facilities are authorized to discharge stormwater and/or wastewater into surface waters. McFadden Engineering specializes in analyzing existing treatment processes across industries and providing solutions that meet regulations for a more sustainable environment. Industries that have consulted our engineers include food and beverage, pulp and paper, wastewater acceptors, oil and gas/drilling and more. Each of these industries has an impact on the availability of clean water. In 2005, the EPA founded National Water Quality Month as a reminder of the importance of preserving our water resources. National Water Quality Month celebrates the commitment we must have to protect clean water for the health of people and the environment.

McFadden Engineering applies a customized process to each unique scenario including modeling and evaluation of the dischargers to develop permit limits, determining the appropriate treatment train to meet the permits limits and compliance with other regulations. The NPDES is the national regulation for industrial sources and the pretreatment program for significant indirect industrial sources, but permits are issued at the state level. If a facility releases pollutants from a point source into the waters of the United States, an NPDES permit is required. As such, McFadden’s team incorporates NPDES permit requirements into its process.

McFadden’s process begins with a system evaluation and compliance review, then moves into planning for optimization of the wastewater treatment system and facilities. From there, the engineers continue to work with clients by assessing how water might be reused in the facility.

The primary goal for McFadden Engineering when working with our industrial wastewater treatment clients is to streamline treatment processes to achieve full compliance. The goal of every treatment project that McFadden Engineering undertakes is to remove contaminants that might be released back into the water cycle from wastewater discharges. When the Clean Water Act passed in 1972, the U.S. government enacted regulations making it illegal to dispose of high amounts of toxic materials into bodies of water. The standard set by these regulations is highlighted during National Water Quality Month through the efforts of sustainable engineering.

Source: Julie Morelli. NPDES Permit Limits: A Primer.

National Water Quality Month is celebrated every August as a reminder of the challenges facing water resources and the solutions that can protect this resource such as those provided by McFadden’s team of engineers.

Keeping Up with the EPA on PFAS

May 19, 2024

On April 10, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its final ruling on the new National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR). Initially proposed in March of 2023, the rule is intended to limit public exposure to harmful “forever chemicals,” known generally as PFAS.

The National Primary Drinking Water Regulation

Foregrounded by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the new NPDWR ruling outlines legal concentration limits for six PFAS contaminants in public drinking water. The specified contaminants are perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluoro hexane sulphonic acid (PFHxS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFNA), FRD-903 (HFPO-DA, or Gen-X chemicals). The ruling also extends to blends consisting of two or more of the following contaminants: PFHxS, PFNA, HFPO-DA and PFBS.

Image Source:

All public water works are mandated to implement water quality monitoring by 2027 to demonstrate compliance with Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs); systems found exceeding MCLs will have until 2029 to achieve regulatory compliance.

Enforcement and CERCLA

PFAS are entirely man-made chemicals typically found in industrial manufacturing settings. While industrial entities may be responsible for their creation, the cost of their removal falls primarily on the general public; a dynamic the EPA is posed to correct. The NPDWR itself does not outline the consequences of non-compliance, but the ruling is still legally enforceable. The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) may empower the EPA to focus enforcement and disciplinary actions on significant point source polluters.

McFadden Engineering’s team of water and wastewater experts specializes in providing environmentally sound solutions to solve unique civil and environmental engineering needs. Based in Mobile, Ala. for more than 30 years, McFadden Engineering has worked on projects including environmental permitting for municipal, commercial and industrial dischargers, site assessments and remediation, master planning for utilities, water quality projects and wastewater process design. Visit our website for more information.

Overview of McFadden Engineering Sustainability Efforts

April 21, 2024

Earth Day is the perfect time to reflect on how industries are aligning with sustainability goals, particularly in fields crucial to our infrastructure and environment. At McFadden Engineering, the commitment to embedding sustainability into every project isn’t just a standard—it’s a promise. This blog explores the significance of the sustainability effort mindset in civil and environmental engineering and highlights McFadden Engineering’s dedication to pioneering sustainable practices.

Understanding Sustainability in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Sustainability in civil and environmental engineering involves practices that do not deplete materials or energy while avoiding harmful impacts on the ecosystem. This discipline integrates design and construction methodologies that prioritize environmental stewardship, resource efficiency and social responsibility. Key principles include minimizing energy use, reducing waste and pollution and preserving the natural environment. Case studies, such as the implementation of green roof systems in urban high-rises or the restoration of natural habitats disrupted by construction, underscore the successful application of these principles in real-world scenarios.

Challenges and Opportunities of Adopting a Sustainable Mindset

Adopting sustainable practices in engineering can significantly reduce carbon footprints, enhance biodiversity and improve air and water quality. These efforts contribute to combating climate change and promoting a healthier planet. Sustainable engineering practices often lead to reduced operational costs through efficient use of resources and energy. Additionally, these practices can open new markets and increase competitiveness. Incorporating sustainability fosters community involvement and development. It enhances the quality of life and can lead to greater social equity. Despite the benefits, several challenges persist. Technically, integrating new sustainable technologies can be complex and costly at the outset. Economically, the initial investment for sustainable technologies and materials can be higher than traditional ones, though they pay off in the long run. Cultural resistance to change and the traditional “business as usual” approach remain significant hurdles. Overcoming these requires education, transparent communication and community engagement.

Strategies for Promoting Sustainability in Civil and Environmental Engineering

To overcome challenges and promote sustainability, it’s crucial to focus on education and awareness. Integrating sustainability principles into the engineering curriculum can equip future engineers with the knowledge and skills to implement sustainable solutions. Furthermore, collaboration with government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other stakeholders is essential to foster policies and practices that support sustainable development. McFadden Engineering is committed to leading such initiatives by actively participating in partnerships and dialogue that promote sustainability.

As we mark Earth Day, let’s reaffirm our commitment to sustainability, particularly in fields like civil and environmental engineering that shape our world’s infrastructure. Reflect on how you can contribute to sustainability efforts in your professional and personal life. At McFadden Engineering, we remain dedicated to our mission of implementing and advancing sustainable practices. Join us in this endeavor to create a more sustainable and prosperous future for all. Together, we can make a difference—one project at a time.

To learn more about cultivating a sustainability mindset in celebration of Earth Day, visit our website and see how we incentivize and promote the importance of adopting a sustainability mindset from a civil and environmental engineering perspective.

McFadden Engineering’s team of water and wastewater experts specializes in providing environmentally sound solutions to solve unique civil and environmental engineering needs. Based in Mobile, Ala. for more than 30 years, McFadden Engineering has worked on projects including environmental permitting for municipal, commercial and industrial dischargers, site assessments and remediation, master planning for utilities, water quality projects and wastewater process design. Visit for more information.

World Water Day

March 22, 2024

World Water Day is an annual United Nations observance day held on the 22nd of March that highlights the importance of fresh water. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. The McFadden Engineering team works daily to assist our clients and community to minimize the impacts of wastewater on our natural resources and develop processes for water quality monitoring and solutions to environmental stressors on our waterways. We have chosen three projects that demonstrate our commitment to sustainable water management.

Project One: Tenwek Hospital Sanitary Sewer and Wastewater Treatment Plant Bomet, Kenya

Environmental awareness, community health and the need for clean water have been the impetus for developing countries to address the problem of inadequate wastewater treatment in both urban and rural communities. Tenwek Hospital is in the Rift Valley Region of Kenya and serves a community of approximately 600,000 households with its 300-bed facility which is the largest rural hospital in East Africa. This facility supports and administers, in addition to the residential patients, a Community Health Program whereby satellite and mobile health care is provided to nearby communities, a School of Nursing and a Physician Residence Program training nationals alongside American and European physicians.

Click Here to Read More About This Project.

Project Two: New River Bayou Restoration Project

New River Bayou is in Ascension Parish in Louisiana and ultimately drains to Lake Pontchartrain. As part of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration Program, Montgomery Watson Harza (MWH) was tasked with identifying and prioritizing the domestic wastewater sources that were the greatest detriment to water quality in the basin. As a sub consultant, McFadden Engineering assisted MWH with developing water quality criteria for evaluating the restoration of New River Bayou as a part of the overall impact on Lake Pontchartrain.

Click Here to Read More About This Project.

Project Three: Sustainable Infrastructure Design into Vehicle Wash Station

The McFadden Engineering team works daily to integrate principles of sustainability into every stage of their projects, from site selection to construction techniques and material choices. By employing innovative design and process practices, the McFadden Engineering team has helped their clients optimize water and wastewater management, reduce energy and water consumption and meet embrace and exceed compliance protocols. Recently, the McFadden team was asked to design a vehicle wash station for a local lumber company.

Click Here to Read More About This Project.

McFadden Engineering’s team of water and wastewater experts specializes in providing environmentally sound solutions to solve unique civil and environmental engineering needs. Based in Mobile, Ala. for more than 30 years, McFadden Engineering has worked on projects including environmental permitting for municipal, commercial and industrial dischargers, site assessments and remediation, master planning for utilities, water quality projects and wastewater process design. Visit for more information.

McFadden Engineering Integrates Sustainable Infrastructure Design into Vehicle Wash Station

January 27, 2024

Civil engineers are at the forefront of designing sustainable infrastructure solutions that minimize environmental impact while also developing solutions for their clients. Mobile, Alabama-based McFadden Engineering is no exception. The McFadden Engineering team works daily to integrate principles of sustainability into every stage of their projects, from site selection to construction techniques and material choices. By employing innovative design and process practices, the McFadden Engineering team has helped their clients optimize water and wastewater management, reduce energy and water consumption and meet embrace and exceed compliance protocols. Recently, the McFadden team was asked to design a vehicle wash station for a local lumber company.

Problem: Jasper Lumber Company Truck Wash Runoff

Jasper Lumber Company (JLC) desired to construct a vehicle wash for facility personnel to wash and clean equipment, limiting site runoff and distribution of pollutants throughout the facility. The vehicle wash area is intended to collect the wash water runoff and treat it before discharging the water to the sewer connection at the facility.  Although there were no effluent requirements from the system, JLC wished to treat the wastewater from the vehicle wash before discharge.

Solution: Filtration System Design with Settling Pit for Vehicle Wash

McFadden Engineering designed a settling or “mud pit” for the collection of solids generated from vehicle washing activities. From this pit, water is drained to pre-treatment/settling tanks with filtration units to further remove suspended solids from the wash water. An oil-water separator for removal of oil and grease before the treated water flowed to an effluent pump station where the treated water was transferred to the sanitary sewer system.

The client was now able to wash their trucks without contaminating their yard, as well as prevent secondary pollutants from impacting the environment via runoff. As a bonus, the effluent from the wash station went through a voluntary pretreatment process, further assisting wastewater Infrastructure.

To learn more about our extensive background in civil and environmental engineering, click the below services to learn more. If you or a member of your organization wishes to hear more about our services, please visit our website or contact us.

McFadden Engineering provided the following services as part of the project:

McFadden Engineering’s team of water and wastewater experts specializes in providing environmentally sound solutions to solve unique civil and environmental engineering needs. Based in Mobile, Ala. for more than 30 years, McFadden Engineering has worked on projects including environmental permitting for municipal, commercial and industrial dischargers, site assessments and remediation, master planning for utilities, water quality projects and wastewater process design. Visit for more information.

Three Ways to Implement Office Eco-Friendliness

December 15, 2023

In an environmentally conscious world, businesses are increasingly seeking sustainable solutions for their operations. Whether the office is large or small, we have seen a significant increase in businesses making an extra effort to be more eco-friendly. McFadden Engineering would like to suggest practices that can easily be implemented by your business to reduce negative environmental impacts and decrease your organizations environmental footprint.

Transition to LED lighting

Light-emitting diodes, otherwise known as LED lights, are commonly considered the most energy efficient and quality lights available. In fact, the Department of Energy states that LED lights use at least 75% less energy than incandescent lights, with a lifespan of up to 25 times longer. Not only do they last significantly longer, making them a cost-effective alternative, but they only produce 20% of their energy as heat. By not emitting more heat than necessary, LED lights can maximize energy efficiency at a cost-effective price. By switching your office to LED lighting, you can reduce your budget and experience much more efficient lighting.

Invest in a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats have been on the market for more than 10 years and continue to improve in both energy savings and cost efficiency. Thermostats are deemed “smart” if they connect to wireless internet allowing the user to remotely make changes in the operational settings. These thermostats also allow for the use of implementing programming and quickly and easily making system adjustments. The most important feature to identify when shopping for a smart thermostat is the “ENERGY STAR” criteria, ensuring that the product meets strict energy efficient criteria set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the U.S. Department of Energy. Data gathered by the E.P.A. shows that thermostats that meet this particular criteria save users an average of 8% on their utility bills.

Additionally, smart thermostats consume significantly less energy by simply turning off the heat or air conditioning on a more regular basis than normal thermostats. Smart thermostats can function without sacrificing comfort by adjusting the temperatures when nobody is using the office space. This energy-saving mode is automatic in many thermostats, however, other capabilities like customizable schedules allow for more user control of your offices’ overall energy savings.

Make the Push to Paperless

While going completely paperless is an incredibly challenging undertaking and can take and the commitment from team members to properly complete, making the effort to greatly reduce paper usage in the office can be an achievable goal. This reduction can reduce your operating costs, increase your business’s competitiveness in the market, and greatly reduce waste as well. By implementing and incentivizing the transition from paper usage to digital solutions, such as moving all communications to email rather than print or mail correspondence, you can embrace new technology, as well as support sustainability goals. According to Forbes, approximately 26% of waste dumped in American landfills is discarded paper. To make matters worse, rotting paper is a source of methane gas, which the U.S. EPA reports is more than 28 times as potent as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the environment.

From a financial standpoint, according to Corp! Magazine, businesses in the United States waste up to $8 billion on paper management per year. Your business can take small steps by implementing paperless software that will reduce costs and cut your carbon footprint.

Businesses making efforts to embrace eco-friendliness is no longer a rarity and is becoming an expectation by company leadership and employees. For organizations to be at the forefront of their industries, both large and small, steps must be taken to reduce their carbon footprint and show their desire to be more environmentally friendly.

If you’re interested in learning more about what your business or you as an individual employee can do to support office sustainability, read our blog about workplace recycling for additional steps you can take to be eco-friendly.

McFadden Engineering’s team of water and wastewater experts specializes in providing environmentally sound solutions to solve unique civil and environmental engineering needs. Based in Mobile, Ala. for more than 30 years, McFadden Engineering has worked on projects including environmental permitting for municipal, commercial and industrial dischargers, site assessments and remediation, master planning for utilities, water quality projects and wastewater process design. Visit for more information.

McFadden Engineering Celebrates America Recycles Day

November 11, 2023

Held annually on November 15, America Recycles Day is a nationally recognized day devoted to the promotion of recycling, the purchasing of recycled products and the reuse of non-disposable items. More specifically, America Recycles Day focuses on the actions of the individual and highlights the changes that any individual can make for the betterment of the environment. At McFadden Engineering, our core values of sustainability and environmental conservation display our conviction for environmental protection and improvement. With more organizations embracing green initiatives and implementing more corporate social responsibility policies, it is becoming clear that being environmentally responsible is more than just a trend. This blog will look at the efforts both organizations and their employees can make to reduce waste in the workplace.

Setting up a water station 

The Container Recycling Institute states that each day in the United States, more than 60 million plastic water bottles are thrown away. Help lower this number by adding a water station to the workplace. Water stations encourage employees to ditch their single-use plastic water bottles and incentivize the use of reusable thermoses and bottles. Water stations not only cut back on waste but save both the employee and organization money on water expenses.

Recycling Ink Cartridges

According to the Energy Collective Group, more than one million ink cartridges are thrown away in the U.S. per day. Additionally, the Energy Collective Group adds that it takes 1,000 years for a print cartridge to fully decompose in a landfill site. These cartridges contain volatile organic compounds and heavy metals that pollute the soil and water upon their arrival at landfills. An easy way to help prevent this pollution is by dropping off your used cartridges at your local office supply store. Another helpful tip is to check the Earth911 website, which provides a comprehensive list of recycling locations in your area.

Switch to a coffee maker

While most offices have coffee makers, often, the makers rely on plastic pods to brew the coffee. Switching to a bean-to-cup or reusable filter machine not only provides a fresher and more authentic taste but greatly reduces plastic waste as well. However, if pod machines are the overwhelming popular choice amongst employees, be sure to look for recyclable pod brands. These recyclable pods can be found in both plastic and aluminum, meaning that you can keep the familiarity and convenience of pods without sacrificing your environmental responsibility.

What can employees do?

Now that we’ve examined ways organizations can promote recycling and sustainability in the office, let’s look at some ways individual employees can help promote recycling and environmental conservation in the workplace.

Bringing in a wasteless lunch

In a report published by Design Life-Cycle regarding single-use plastic bags, the organization reports that the average U.S. family uses 500 of these bags a year. These bags are not biodegradable and have been consistently linked to creating a hazardous environment for both land and aquatic life. While it is important to encourage the proper disposal of these bags, packing a lunch in reusable containers is much more conservation-friendly. The single-use nature of plastic bags promotes more litter with lunch, but this can be completely avoided by packing your meal in a multi-use container. By reusing containers, individuals can greatly reduce their amount of daily waste.

Properly recycle electronics

As workplace technology continues to improve, knowing what to do with unwanted or out-of-date electronics has become a modern problem for many employees. The official term for this kind of material is e-waste and includes items like cell phones, computers, batteries, CDs and other electronics that come to mind. As previously mentioned, the website Earth911 offers a list of locations in your area designated for specific types of recycling, including e-waste. The World Counts estimates that e-waste comprises 70% of our overall toxic waste with only 12.5% of e-waste being recycled. The importance of properly recycling e-waste cannot be understated, even at the individual level.

Properly dispose of your emails

Shockingly enough, emails are responsible for a large amount of CO2 emissions. Email and data centers that store your virtual files use a lot of energy and electricity to run. In fact, Science Focus magazine states that emails are responsible for as much CO2 globally as seven million extra cars. Cleaning out your inbox from old emails and digital files can save space and energy on both your computer and email/data centers.

The purpose of America Recycles Day is to encourage and urge people to reduce, reuse, repurpose and recycle in every aspect of their life. This includes keeping an environmental preservation mindset not just at home, but in the workplace as well. While companies can encourage their employees to do everything they can to reduce waste, the power to make change lies with the individual. America Recycles Day highlights the actions of the individual and the changes that they can make for the betterment of the environment. There are many ways for both companies and their employees to promote sustainability, from properly recycling e-waste to cleaning out your email inbox.

At McFadden Engineering, we pride ourselves on staying environmentally vigilant however we can. From offering environmentally sound solutions for unique engineering needs, to celebrating America Recycles Day, we are proud to be at the forefront of environmental conservation.

Visit our website to see what McFadden Engineering can do for your business.

McFadden Engineering Celebrates Campus Sustainability Month

October 20, 2023

Celebrating Campus Sustainability Month

Throughout the month of October, McFadden Engineering celebrates Campus Sustainability Month as recognized by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Campuses around the United States engage students in sustainability efforts such as incentivizing bike rentals, recycling and more. While these displays of environmental conservation are meaningful and worthwhile, a lot more goes on behind the scenes at university campuses and educational institutions to maintain sustainability goals. This week, we are speaking with McFadden Engineering Firm Partner, Brad Newton, to find out how McFadden Engineering supports campus sustainability.

Q: Does McFadden Engineering have experience working with universities?

A: The University of Mobile is an institution of just under 2,000 students and a 20-minute drive away from McFadden’s office. We provide weekly operational services to their onsite fixed activated sludge package plant years after its design and build. This treatment system is the primary treatment option for the entire campus’s wastewater.

Q: How does this wastewater treatment project promote campus sustainability?

A: The application of this fixed activated sludge package plant is to take wastewater generated by the university, treat it and inject it back into the ground to recharge the natural aquifer. The water being used to recharge the aquifer (a naturally occurring body of rock or sediment that holds water in the ground) is treated, meaning that although it is not used for drinking purposes, it meets the standards of drinking water. Instead of drinking water, the water in this specific aquifer is utilized by the on-campus sprinkler systems. The university wide sprinkler systems are used in various applications, watering landscape areas, soccer fields and other sports facilities. It is a sustainability project in that the water is being kept on-site and sustaining that resource on campus. Our goal was not only to reduce costs but to reuse the university’s treated wastewater on campus for multiple applications. Looking at optimizing water usage and water resources on campus is something that we do for a lot of customers. In addition to recharging the natural aquifer, there is no longer a direct discharge to Chickasaw Creek therefore eliminating any potential health risks and significantly improving the university’s environmental compliance.

Q: What sustainability efforts has McFadden Engineering employed to assist high schools and primary schools?

A: The goal of Campus Sustainability Month is to raise visibility and awareness of sustainability. Supporting sustainability at a grassroots level in education, especially in the local community, is something that McFadden Engineering has always strived for. We have three clients that we service in the community. Some of them do not have access to a municipal sewer system, so on-site systems are their only option. You must get creative when addressing these schools’ specific issues. One project at Leroy High in Washington County, Alabama was completed after we designed a membrane bioreactor treatment facility that replaced the school’s fixed activated sludge treatment plant and chlorine addition system. The system was designed to be as efficient as possible, while still being reasonably priced. We are still assisting Leroy High with ongoing permit compliance and any process-related issues with the treatment system.

Q: What services can McFadden Engineering provide to other campuses/learning institutions to promote sustainability and environmental compliance?

A: Despite water scarcity not being as prevalent in the Southeast as in other areas of the country, we know that water conservation is something to be taken seriously. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, 40 out of 50 state water managers expect water shortages under average conditions in some portion of their states over the next decade. Performing water optimization analysis and water reuse studies regarding equipment and usage in different areas of campus to see if there are any opportunities for water conservancy is just part of what we offer. Our goal is to offer water resource projects for landscaping, aquifer recharge or whatever the situation may require reducing overall cost and consumption. Educational budgets can be tight, especially at the university level. It doesn’t have to mean spending more money to increase sustainability. Simple suggestions, alterations and evaluations can help make an organization’s processes more efficient. Part of the sustainability aspect can come from plant operation modifications; it does not always mean purchasing a new system.

The Intricacies of Campus Sustainability

While the extreme importance of previously mentioned surface level sustainability projects like recycling and bicycling cannot be understated, it’s important to remember that much more goes into sustainability behind the scenes. By providing these wastewater treatment services, McFadden Engineering has been able to assist the University of Mobile and multiple other learning institutions in the surrounding areas to reach their sustainability goals and lower their operating costs by doing so.

To learn more about McFadden Engineering’s work with the University of Mobile, read our case study and system overview. To learn more about the role Brad Newton serves, read his bio.

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